Friday, October 16, 2020

GraphQL Design Tips

  • Design for behaviors or use-cases over data or Think Domain over data
  • Be careful with Atomicity vs Granularity
  • Stay away from trying to build a “One size fits all” API
  • Sometimes we all make mistakes :)… use @Deprecated directives judiciously and provide valid “reason” & “alternative way” while doing so. Understand first: Who is using? How much is used?
  • Talk to, (or become) domain experts
  • GraphQL Spec doesn’t have any opinion about Auth. That leaves us with 3 options:
    1. Wrap Resolvers
    2. Write Custom Directives or 
    3. Delegate to Abstraction Layers (AppSync / Apollo) =>
  • Fetch data optimally. Just as it is not good to fetch everything at once; it's easy to get burned by over-fetching with "top-heavy" parent-to-child resolvers. Fetching and passing data from parent-to-child should be used sparingly.
  • Use libraries like "" to de-dupe downstream requests.
  • Write resolvers that are readable, maintainable, testable. Not too clever.
  • Make your resolvers as thin as possible. Extract out data fetching logic to re-usable async functions.
  • Avoid use of GraphQL for purely Fileupload use-cases as it is a big deal for GraphQL in general.

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