Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Adding emmuerated values to the spreadsheet column.

Most of the client interactions makes use of various spreadsheets. One of the common strategy for validating some spreadsheet column is to provide a list of allowed enumerated values to it.

For long time I wasn't aware of this myself. Thus once I came to know about it I felt like sharing how to achieve that.

Following are the steps for adding validation to a spreadsheet column:

1. For Open Office (OpenOffice SpreadSheet):

  1. Select the spreadsheet cells for validating
  2. Click the menu: Data -> Validity. A popup dialog would appear.
  3. Select "List" option from the "Allow" drop-down.
  4. Add the comma-separated or tab-separated or newline-separated enumerated entries in the "Entry" text area.
  5. Click "Ok"
2. For MS Office (MS Excel):
  1. Select the spreadsheet cells for validating
  2. Click the menu: Data -> Validation. A popup dialog would appear.
  3. Select "List" option from the "Allow" drop-down.
  4. Add the comma-separated enumerated entries in the "Source" textbox.
  5. Click "Ok"

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